Understanding Social Security Disability and an Intro to Medicare

Understanding Social Security Disability and an Intro to Medicare Webinar

Do you know when you're eligible for both Social Security Disability and Medicare? Do you know how they are both related to each other? Do you have questions related to them both? If so, this webinar is definitely for you!

Our area's premier specialist on Social Security Disability and Medicare will be hosting this event, and you'll learn the basics that everyone should be familiar with when it comes to them.

Things like: who is eligible for them? When should someone consider appying for them? What are the criterion for eligibility? What are the benefits they provide? These answers and more! 

Hosted by Brian Dougherty of PLC Financial Solutions/PhillyLabor and two very special co-hosts for this event: Executive Director of the Injured Worker's Advocacy Program and principal of PhillyLabor.com, the Philadelphia union community's online media hub, and AM Talk Radio Show, The Labor Show, Joe Dougherty and expert Social Security Disability Attorney, Tom Giordano, from Philadelphia's top Social Security Disability and Workers Compensation Law Firm Pond Lehocky

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